Frequently Asked Questions


你有做过专业的预约吗, gone shopping in a new store, or called a new service provider? 如果是的话,你是否创造了对体验的期望? 如果是这样,你的期望是否过高? 顾客可以对他们所寻求的服务建立内在的期望. However, their expectations of what to expect may not be realistic by the provider's standards. This expectation conflict is often witnessed when a person requests tutoring assistance.  For example, students seeking tutoring help in the TLC believed a tutor was going to do their homework for them. 这是一种不切实际的期望,违反了学术诚信. Tutoring is academic support that helps students become independent thinkers and learners.

"Tutors are persons who, 在有组织和监督的教育环境中, enter into a peer (or professional) teaching and learning relationship with one or more others (MacDonald,1994, p.6)."

In his book, 大师导师:更有效的辅导指南, Dr. Ross B. MacDonald explains his definition of a tutor (quoted above) by breaking down the essential phrases therein. Let's take a look: So that the patron of tutoring recognizes that the tutoring session is authorized and approved by the college, Dr. MacDonald uses the phrase, "...结构化和监督的教育环境..." Next, he wants you to understand the term "peer" to mean that you are working with a student who is around the same grade level as you. Conversely, in the Teaching and Learning Center, we also utilize professional tutors. These are tutors who have acquired graduate degrees in the subjects that they tutor, and may have acquired sufficient life experience to support additional content in which they tutor. Further, the phrase, 教与学的关系," speaks to the way the student and tutor work together for the purpose of giving and receiving academic support. This statement helps to distinguish a working relationship from a general or close friendship. 如果你的导师恰好是你的朋友, recognize that their primary responsibility in that session is as a tutor and not as your friend. When these lines get blurred, it is recommended (when possible) to work with a tutor with whom you do not have a personal relationship.

Tutoring is an excellent support service provided to all BGSU enrolled students at no additional cost. 无论是在校内还是在网上,辅导都是学生必不可少的资源. Tutoring is a unique form of instruction conducted individually or in a small group setting. The goal of tutoring is to help students learn how they retain information best to overcome learning challenges. 这种类型的支持对每个学生来说都是不同的. 辅导帮助学生发展成为独立的学习者和思考者.  

However, there may be occasions when the TLC does not have a tutor that supports your specific course. In such cases, we call upon our colleagues in the Learning Commons located at the main campus. 必要时,我们也会使用Ohiolink的在线辅导服务. 

Students who want to be successful in their degree program can call upon the Teaching and Learning Center and request tutors to help them with speeches, resume writing, presentations, practice interviews, and content review. We are falcons helping falcons.

In further reading, you will learn the rights and responsibilities of both the tutee (a person receiving help) and the tutor (a person giving help). You can review the code of conduct that contains students' rights and students' responsibilities while enrolled as BGSU students. Finally, you are given access to the policy on academic honesty to help you avoid the pitfalls that can get students expelled (including online students) from the University.  

MacDonald, R.B. (1994).  大师导师:一本更有效的辅导指南. NY: Cambridge Stratford, Ltd.

你小时候或上学时参加过博天堂官方网站吗? 如果有的话,你可能有过这项运动的教练. The coach's role was to teach you to play the sport well by ensuring that you knew the rules of the game and that you knew your position in the game and all the responsibilities for that position. 但更重要的是了解游戏的基础, the coach's goal was to make sure you understood how to be successful in the game by applying these same fundamentals and winning the game. An academic coach is no different. 

学术教练在这里帮助你了解如何最好地学习. 教练会教你学习的技巧和策略. Also, your coach will assist you in knowing how to be a competent student and the rules that help you in continuing to be a student. Finally, the coach wants you to understand how to be successful in academics by graduating with your degree.  

教练不是学术建议,因为这两者经常需要澄清. 教练努力鼓励学习, growth, and development by choice but are not positioned to provide expertise in policies, procedures, or requirements. 训练有素的教练帮助学生建立动力, and self-awareness to recognize (and decide for themselves) what serves their best interests.

Scheduling weekly meetings with an academic coach is a great way for students to stay on course with their academic pursuits at BGSU Firelands. Coaches can assist you in reviewing your course load and developing strategies for studying, organizing, and time management.


  • Using Canvas
  • Understanding a syllabus
  • Access to resources in the Library
  • Mapping out of assignments
  • Note-taking methods
  • Organization
  • 转介学术及个人协助服务
  • Study group strategies
  • Study Strategies
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Time management assistance
  • To-do lists

最后,你的学术教练是一个负责任的伙伴. Weekly appointments offer an opportunity to not only learn and develop college success strategies, but appointments also serve the purpose of keeping you on track with your studies and schedule for graduation.

Supplemental instruction (SI) is an approach to support students academically by merging the "what to learn" with the "how to learn". 这种方法的目的是让同一门课程的学生定期见面, outside of their class, 在理解课程和准备考试时相互支持.  The key objectives of SI include:

  1. 提高学生的课程成绩,特别是具有挑战性的课程;
  2. improve student retention;
  3. increase students' graduation rate.

SI meetings are free, and led by a trained student leader (who has completed the course) or professional tutor who facilitates interactive learning initiatives that produce small group, peer-to-peer interaction. Courses that are often viewed as high-risk (due to poor student success rates) as well as program majors that have low retention rates, 是SI的目标受众生成器吗.  SI:

  • puts 学生可以轻松地问一些他们在课堂上不敢问的问题
  • implements 每周有规律的学习时间
  • establishes peer-learning cohorts
  • affords 学生强化在课堂上学到的内容

Tutoring and SI are not the same. SI不审查评分作业,而是涵盖课堂上教授的概念, review class notes, discuss reading assignments, develop test-taking strategies, and review for exams. Therefore, students need to attend class if they want to participate in SI meetings. SI会话由SI领导决定. 课程每周可以在校内或网上举行几次. 如果你所在的课程没有成立科学探究小组, you can still use tutoring to support and reinforce what you are learning in the course. Remember to check in with your course instructor for their 'office hours' to discuss any course concerns you may have.  

Research indicates that students who participate in SI sessions withdraw from courses less often, 并且在这门课上的学习成绩比那些没有学习的人要高. 一旦课程实施了SI, the Teaching and Learning Center works collaboratively with the faculty who instruct the course to ensure SI meetings are assessed appropriately and well supported.  

咨询你的教授,了解你的课程是否符合si标准. 如果没有,可以考虑小组辅导作为替代.

In most cases, 在公司发布任何信息之前, be it online or in print, 内容审查员确保材料的准确性, high-quality, free of errors, 并且适合目标受众. Such a process can seem rigorous and systemic but seeks to identify if the author demonstrates the strategies to comprehend the content and represents that well in the publication. 作为一名大学生,这个过程几乎没有什么变化. 

In higher education, faculty examine aspects of the course to learn where students need to come prepared with certain skills and knowledge sets rather than learn the skills while taking the course.  In a content review, a professional tutor works with you individually to assure you that you understand and can demonstrate the skills required for the course. 内容回顾可以在你的家庭作业(或演讲)中完成。. The professional tutor will work with you and help you identify that your work meets the criteria of the assignment or helps you develop your work to meet the instruction requirements.

Students are encouraged to use the content review to work together with the support of trained tutors. Tutors conducting the reviews can provide general support for questions during their availability. If additional support is needed, tutors can also assist students in locating a one-to-one or small group tutor session for a later date.


非传统和军事学生服务(NTMSS) 在你做出职业和教育选择时提供帮助. Beginning, returning to, or continuing your college education can pose a variety of challenges. The NTMSS staff is familiar with the issues facing nontraditional and military students and can be a resource as you plan and complete your program.

无论你是一个非传统的学生开始还是重新开始你的教育, 或现役军人或退伍军人学生, we can assist you in navigating the application process and easing your transition to BGSU.

顾问也可以帮助在校学生. We can help you discover and utilize campus resources and develop programs to best meet your needs.

在写作实验室里,作家们帮助其他作家提高他们的作品. How do we do this? 我们为作家提供一对一的咨询. In these tutorials, 我们与正在计划论文的作家交谈, 还有那些正在写论文的人. 无论你在写作的哪个阶段, a conversation with another interested writer can help you better achieve your goals.

There is no longer a need to physically come to campus to receive help with your writing assignments - they can now be completed online in a variety of subject areas. 学生必须填写反馈请求表格. The form should be submitted electronically with attachments of the paper you are working on and the related assignment sheet (if one was provided by the instructor). 

Students should provide at least two standard business days for papers submitted to be returned.

Student questions about Online Tutoring should be directed to the Writing Lab’s main email address (

You may also schedule a virtual appointment by calling 419-372-0705 or 419-372-0748.

Tutee (person receiving help)

Confidentiality and Respect

学员有权要求导师保密并相互尊重. 这种尊重包括但不限于遵守约定和准时

Intention to Learn from Instructor

辅导不能代替指导. The tutee is responsible for attending all classes and trying to learn from the instructor. Meet with the instructor during office hours to establish a rapport and obtain clarification of assignments. If you miss a class, 请从同学那里拿笔记, or view a video if available Tutoring is not permitted during a scheduled class time.


学生有责任准备好参加辅导课. This implies reviewing notes, preparing specific questions to ask, 在辅导课之前完成所有的家庭作业.


The tutee has the responsibility of contacting the tutor of the Teaching and Learning Center (419-433-5560, ext. 20705)如果他/她/他们不能参加预定的辅导课程. Tutoring services will not be extended to tutees who fail to show up for appointments more than three times. The tutee has the responsibility of contacting the director of the Teaching and Learning Center should a problem arise in the tutoring setting that cannot be resolved between the tutor and tutee.

Academic Honesty

The tutee has the responsibility t adhere to the academic honesty code of BGSU as outlined in the student handbook. This implies that you should be honest with your tutor as to graded assignments the instructor intended for you to complete independently. The tutor must also abide by the academic honesty code in the application of services.

Tutor (person giving help)

Confidentiality and Respect



The tutor has the responsibility of contacting the tutee or the Teaching and Learning Center if he/she/they are unavailable to attend a scheduled tutoring session. The tutor has the responsibility of contacting the director should a problem arise in the tutoring setting that cannot be resolved between the tutor and the tutee.


The tutor is responsible for being prepared to assist the student as best he/she/they can in a tutoring session. 这意味着了解学生寻求帮助的科目, preparing a specific structure for the tutoring session that is inclusive of input from the tutee, 并且(如果可能的话)审查所有可用的文件(例如).g.,教学大纲,作业说明)(在辅导课之前.

Academic Honesty

The tutor has the responsibility to adhere to the academic honesty code of BGSU as outlined in the student handbook. 这意味着导师不负责评分作业.


The tutor has the responsibility to establish a rapport with the tutee that supports learning, recognizes the tutee's feelings, asks appropriate questions, and provides corrective feedback. The tutor has the responsibility to adapt his/her/their method of tutoring to individual learning styles. 导师有责任保存适当的记录, 了解为学生提供的专业服务, 博天堂官方网站有助于学生学习的信息来源.

Updated: 01/31/2024 09:03AM